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Antología de la literatura fantástica

Index: Leslie D. Weatherhead, Discusión, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 280. Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius, Ficciones, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 440. Henry James: La humillación de los Northmore,P,Prólogos. Buenos Aires: Torres Agüero, 1975. 101.

Borges-Bioy-Ocampo, 1940.

Fishburn and Hughes: "A miscellany of stories on themes related to the supernatural published by Borges in 1940 jointly with Silvina Ocampo and A. Bioy Casares. It included work of G.K. Chesterton, Lewis Carroll, Edgar Allan Poe, James Joyce, Leon Bloy, Rabelais, Cocteau, Wu Ch'eng En and Chuan Tzu, and a story from the Thousand and One Nights. In Borges's own words, it is 'one of the books a second Noah should save from a second flood'." (7)