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Drayton, Michael

Index: El Aleph, El Aleph, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 620.

English poet, 1563-1631, author of The Poly-Olbion, Ideas Mirrour and other works

Fishburn and Hughes: "An English poet, favoured at the court of Elizabeth I, reputedly a friend of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, who fought against the Armada. Drayton's vast output covered religious, historical, satirical and topographical themes. His most famous work is the great topographical poem on England Polyolbion (Greek: 'having many blessings'), completed in 1622. Though Drayton had resolved to create a poem which would celebrate everything of topographical or antiquarian interest in Britain as a whole, he found the task a 'Herculean toil' and confined himself in the end to England. See Augural Canto." (62)