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Index: La busca de Averrores, El Aleph, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 582, 583, 586, 587. Elegía, El otro, el mismo, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 933. Otro poema de los dones, El otro, el mismo, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 937. Yesterdays,C,La Cifra. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1981. 51. El culteranismo, IA,El idioma de los argentinos. Buenos Aires: M. Gleizer, 1928. 68. Para el centenario de Góngora, Fechas, IA,El idioma de los argentinos. Buenos Aires: M. Gleizer, 1928. 123. El Oriente, La rosa profunda, OP,Obra poética, 1923-1977. Madrid: Alianza, 1981. 463. Tres. Las mil y una noches, SN,Siete noches. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1982. 64. La Tierra Cárdena, TE,El tamaño de mi esperanza. Buenos Aires: Editorial Proa, 1926. 32. Examen de un soneto de Góngora, TE,El tamaño de mi esperanza. Buenos Aires: Editorial Proa, 1926. 129. Gongorismo, TR1,Textos recobrados 1919-1929. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1997. 328.

city in southern Spain

Fishburn and Hughes: "A city on the river Guadalquivir in southern Spain. From the seventh to the twelfth century it was the capital of the caliphate in Spain and the most important centre of Moslem culture in the West. In power and prestige it rivalled, and eventually surpassed, Baghdad and Damascus. Contemporary Arab writers praised the city's splendour, its magnificent palaces, mansions, gardens and fountains, its 700 mosques and 900 public baths and, above all, its splendid mezquita, the largest mosque in western Islam, 'a dream of light, grace and colour'. In the great days of the caliphate Cordoba epitomised Islam's conception of a life to come in a heaven of 'gardens with lofty apartments, beneath which the rivers flow'. Averroes was born in Cordoba, and spent much of his life there as physician and qadi (judge)." (51)