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Green, Julien

Index: 23 de diciembre de 1938, BH,Borges en El Hogar 1935-1958. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2000. 138. Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain, Ficciones, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 464. La muerte repetida, Nathaniel Hawthorne, MCP2,Los mejores cuentos policiales (2). Madrid: Alianza, 1983. 10. 18 de marzo de 1938, Biografia sintetica, Julián Green, TC,Textos cautivos. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1986. 214-15.

Writer born in the United States who wrote mostly in French, 1900-1998, author of Leviathan, Epaves, Minuit and other works.

Fishburn and Hughes: "A novelist of American origin who wrote both in French and English and is the only foreigner to have been elected to the Académie Française. Green's religious preoccupations, morbid at times, are reflected in his paranoid characters and hallucinatory language. Referring to one of Green's novels, which he praises for the 'rigour of its inventiveness', Borges compares it to Henry James's Turn of the Screw and Kafka's Trial (Preface to Bioy Casares's La invención de Morel)" (82)