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Pope, Alexander

Index: Las versiones homéricas, Discusión, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 240, 242, 243. Prólogo a la edición de 1954, Historia universal de la infamia, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 291. El inmortal, El Aleph, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 533, 543. La muralla y los libros, Otras inquisiciones, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 633. Edward Gibbon, BP,Biblioteca personal. Madrid: Alianza, 1988. 50. Lawrence y la Odisea, BS,Borges en Sur 1931-1980. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1999. 136. Las versiones homéricas, CQ,Cervantes y el Quijote. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2005. 136, 139, 140, 141. William Shakespeare: Teatro. Poesía, CS,El círculo secreto. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2003. 181, 188. Word-Music and Translation, CV,This Craft of Verse. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000. 66, 71, 76. A Poet's Creed, CV , 113. Edward Gibbon: Páginas de historia y de autobiografía,P,Prólogos. Buenos Aires: Torres Agüero, 1975. 68. Walt Whitman: Hojas de hierba,P,Prólogos. Buenos Aires: Torres Agüero, 1975. 174. 10 de marzo de 1939, Biografía Sintética, TC,Textos cautivos. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1986. 306. La adjetivación, TE,El tamaño de mi esperanza. Buenos Aires: Editorial Proa, 1926. 50. Historia de los Ángeles, TE,El tamaño de mi esperanza. Buenos Aires: Editorial Proa, 1926. 66. La eternidad y T.S. Eliot, TR2,Textos recobrados 1930-1955. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2001. 52. Christopher Smart, TR2,Textos recobrados 1930-1955. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2001. 239. La literatura alemana en la época de Bach, TR2,Textos recobrados 1930-1955. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2001. 312.

English poet and translator, 1688-1744, author of The Dunciad, Essay on Man and numerous other works, as well as famous translations of Homer

Fishburn and Hughes: "An English poet and satirist. In 1711 Pope published his Essay on Criticism, an epigrammatic tour de force aimed at reproducing the style and paraphrasing the themes of Roman satire. The Rape of the Lock, a mock epic published in 1712, was also written on classical lines. The Essay on Man (1733-4), a work of vast scope, deals with the relation of man, nature and society. Pope's most daring achievement was to translate the Iliad (1720) and the Odyssey (1725-6). These translations, though at times distant from the originals, aimed at reproducing their effects in the context of Pope's time. Pope was severely criticised. In his essay on the translators of Homer, comparing different translations of the same passages, Borges praises Pope's version for the richness and spectacular quality of his language. As for 'accuracy', Borges considers that since the original meaning and intention of the author are irrecoverable, because there is no 'definitive text', to judge the quality of a translation by its 'faithfulness' is a futile task (Disc. 105 ff). Before final publication, Pope's translation of the Iliad was delivered to subscribers in instalments." (158)