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Index: La otra muerte, El Aleph, OC,Obras completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974. 572.

character in Conrad's Under Western Eyes

Fishburn and Hughes: "The protagonist of Under Western Eyes (1911), a novel by Joseph Conrad. As in Lord Jim, the theme is cowardice and the story centres on the duplicity of the main character, who meets his just deserts. During his students days in St Petersburg Kirylo Sidorovitch Razumov has betrayed to the police the revolutionary Victor Haldin who took refuge in his lodgings. Sent to Geneva as a police agent to check on Haldin's contacts, he is welcomed as a fellowrevolutionary by Haldin's family and friends in exile. He succeeds in keeping up appearances until, weighed down by the guilt of his betrayal and shamed by the innocence of Haldin's sister, Natalia, and the undeserved trust and affection he is receiving, he confesses his treachery. To punish him, one of Haldin's comrades bursts his eardrums; the deaf Razumov is run over by a tram and remains permanently crippled." (164)